
2018成都摇滚马拉松 Rock’n’Roll 1/2 Marathon Chengdu Registration Information

赛事地点:四川 , 成都 , 都江堰市

赛事时间:2018-09-23 08:00(周日 )

人数: 19600 人

报名时间: 2018-07-02 ~ 2018-08-15



组别 年龄 性别 报名费用(元) 备注
半程马拉松 16-65 不限 ¥200.00 组别说明
欢乐跑 12岁以上 不限 ¥150.00 组别说明
迷你跑 不限 不限 ¥120.00 组别说明
Half Marathon(海外组) 16-65 不限 ¥523.00 组别说明
Happy Run(海外组) 12岁以上 不限 ¥325.00 组别说明
Mini Run(海外组) 不限 不限 ¥258.00 组别说明
竞赛时间、地点及项目 Race Date, Location and Division

1. 竞赛时间:2018年9月23日(星期日)

Race Date: Sep. 23rd,2018(Sunday)

2. 发令时间:8:00

Starting Time: 8:00

3. 竞赛地点:成都·都江堰·青城山

Location: Mount Qingcheng & Dujiangyan Chengdu

4. 奖金设置 Prize



Half Marathon Male and Female Top Three Prize (Currency: RMB, pre tax)


报名时间 Registration Duration


From July 2nd 2018 reaching maximum participants amount. All participants are allowed to log on the official website and official WeChat to check the registration result.

报名方式 Registration Approach

1. 本站摇滚马拉松赛均为线上报名。

This marathon is required to register online only.

2. 参赛者必须如实填写个人报名资料经官网、微信、第三方及跑团平台报名。

All participants are required to submit authentic personal information through official website, official WeChat, running groups and other platforms.

报名资格 Registration Qualification

(一) 参赛者年龄要求

Age Qualification

1. 半程马拉松年龄限16周岁以上(2002年当年出生),18岁以下未成年人参赛需要求其监护人或法定代理人签署参赛声明。

Half marathon participants must be born before 2002 (>16-year-old). Guardians or legal representatives of the participants, who are under 18-year-old, are required to sign the race declaration.

2. 欢乐跑参赛者限12周岁以上(2006年当年出生),18岁以下未成年人参赛需要求其监护人或法定代理人签署参赛声明;

Happy Run participants must be born before 2006(>12-year-old). Guardians or legal representatives of the participants, who are under 18-year-old, are required to sign the race declaration.

3. 迷你跑参赛者年龄不限,18岁以下未成年人参赛需要求其监护人或法定代理人签署参赛声明;12周岁以下未成年人参赛需要求其监护人共同报名陪同参赛。

There is no age limit for mini run participants. Guardians or legal representatives of the participants, who are under 18-year-old, are required to sign the race declaration. The legal guardians should accompany participants who are under 12-year-old.

4. 组委会特别邀请选手可适当放宽年龄限制。

The age limit for specially invited participants may be extended appropriately.

(二) 参赛者身体状况要求

Physical Qualification

马拉松赛是一项大强度长距离的竞技运动,也是一项高风险的竞技项目,对参赛者身体状况有较高的要求,参赛者应身体健康,有长期参加跑步锻炼的基础。参赛者可根据自己的身体状况和能力,选择半程马拉松、欢乐跑、迷你跑其中的一个项目报名参加。 包括但不限于有下列身体状况者不宜参加比赛:

Marathon is a high strength, risk and competitive sport. The participants should have certain physical and mental conditions, which are healthy and used to running for a long distance. The participants under the following conditions are not allowed in this event, including but not limit to:

1. 先天性心脏病和风湿性心脏病患者;

Congenital heart disease & rheumatic heart disease

2. 高血压和脑血管疾病患者;

Hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases

3. 心肌炎和其它心脏病患者;

Myocarditis and other heart diseases

4. 冠状动脉病患者和严重心律不齐者;

Coronary artery disease and severe arrhythmia

5. 血糖过高或过低的糖尿病患者;

High blood sugar or low blood sugar

6. 比赛日前两周以内患感冒;

Catching a cold within two weeks before the marathon

7. 其他不适合运动的疾病患者;

Any symptom that is not suitable for running

8. 孕妇。

The pregnant


All participants are strongly recommended to go to the relevant medical institutions for a comprehensive physical examination and apply for personal accident insurance on their own.

注意事项 Notice

1. 报名者应真实、准确填写报名信息(姓名、性别、身份证号码、联系电话、邮箱、血型)。

All participants should submit personal information authentically and correctly, including name, sex, ID number, phone number, e-mail and blood type.

2. 报名者关注官方微信或登录官方网站进行报名,并如实填写报名信息,填写完成后提交报名信息,报名时需全额缴纳报名费用。可通过官方微信、网站查询报名结果,显示报名信息者即报名成功,参赛号查询时间为赛前一周。

All participants are allowed to complete and submit registration through official website and official WeChat. The registration fee should be paid in full at this time. Registration result is allowed to be checked through official website and official WeChat and it refers to successful registration when personal information can be checked. Bib number will be allowed to check one week before the marathon.

3. 报名成功的参赛者,赛前凭本人报名所使用的有效证件原件领取参赛物品,领取信息将于赛前一周公布。

All participants are required to pick up race bags with their own valid identification documents. The information of race bags pick-up will be published one week before the marathon.

4. 报名成功后,报名信息不能更改;因个人原因未参赛,报名费不予返还。

Once registered, the personal information cannot be changed. The registration fee cannot be refunded due to participants’ personal reasons.

报名收费标准 Registration Fee

1. 半程马拉松:200元/人

Half Marathon: 200RMB/Person

2. 欢乐跑:150元/人

Happy Run: 150RMB/Person

3. 迷你跑:120元/人

Mini Run: 120RMB/Person

4. 海外报名运动员: 

Overseas Participants:

· Half Marathon: $79

· Happy Run: $49

· Mini Run: $39

其他 Others

1. 未尽事项,另行通知,本规程解释权归组委会所有。

There will be information about other items and the committee has all the explaining right reserved.

2. 如果中英文有不明确,以中文解释为准。

If there is ambiguity between Chinese and English, the Chinese will prevail.


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